Teacher Training in Nepal

In spring 2019, the founder of Scientist Factory Hanne S. Finstad went to Nepal. At the foot of the Himalayas, she introduced twenty science teachers from twenty primary schools to engaging ways of teaching science. Providing the teachers with accessible and engaging experiments allowed us to reach a wide range of children. Our hope was that the children, and their communities in consequence, would benefit.

The teachers and Hanne Finstad.

Danish Human Practice Foundation (HPF) run the schools where the teachers work. During the preparations they informed us that the teachers would prefer to learn activities relating to the challenges faced by their communities such as earthquakes, water quality and plastic issues.

An experiment which illustrates some of the curious qualities of water.

One such relevant experiment dealt with bacteria in water. The teachers examined the difference between tap water and bottled water by growing samples on petrifilm. The bottled water contained, in fact, far more bacteria than the tap water. We feel confident that the children too will find exploring their surroundings interesting.

An exercise meant to teach the safest building structures to endure earthquakes.

The time we spent in Nepal confirmed that the methods of teaching we have developed since 2002 are useful across the world. Perhaps we ought not to be surprised. The natural sciences are global and therefore we may be too.

Science Workshop!

After conducting the course, with great support from The Kavli Foundation, Hydro, Elopak and Ferd, we are one step closer to realizing our dream of international reach. Our goal is to launch summer schools in a variety of countries over the coming years. We want nothing more than to give the next generation the tools they need to solve problems like climate change and water shortage.

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