Kinetic Sand
Kinetics is the branch of science that deals with motion. We have chosen to call this educational toy “kinetic sand” because it moves in fascinating ways. The grains of sand stick to each other but not to other objects. Silicone oil is responsible for this. This oil also ensures that the sand does not dry up. See if you can shape the sand into fun forms.
Magical Sand
Our magical sand has some very special properties too, even if they are, strictly speaking, scientific and not magical. But the word “magical” does it justice. The sand is hydrophobic, which is the scientific way of saying that it really hates water. So much so that it is water-repellent. It cannot get wet no matter how much water you pour on it. The sand gets this magical property because a hydrophobic material has been added to it. Oil is hydrophobic too, and if you have ever tried to mix oil and water you know that it is impossible regardless of how hard you stir. Can you think of other things that cannot mix with water?
All you need to explore the magical sand is a glass of water. Pour the sand into the water. What happens? Remove the sand from the water if you want to use it again. Maybe you have to let it dry first? Place it on a piece of tinfoil to find out.
This kit includes 100 grammes magical sand and 100 grammes kinetic sand.
The kinetic sand contains an oil that make it act like it is wet. The magical sand contains a water repellent substance. Both kinds of sand are approved to be used by children and contain no hazardous materials.
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